Saturday, September 28, 2013

Dead Oakland Bars Legend

Felt this would be helpful. Big thanks to my friends, Patrick Lynch, Frankie Koeller, and Bobby Martinez for their help with the generation of this. Have fun matching!

Dead Oakland : Bars printing next week at Oakland First Friday

Here is my latest two color print that I will be working on and selling on October 4th, somewhere on Telegraph Avenue, most likely near 25th and 26th streets. The print will also be available in a few weeks in my online store. It is a tribute to some drinking establishments that served Oakland, Berkeley and Emeryville before micro brews, sour sundays, pub quizes, and $9 sausages. See if you remember any of these!

BIG BUSINESS Bottom of the Hill SF showprint

A three color print for Seattle band, Big Business and their show at the Bottom of the Hill in SF. I recently saw the episode of Breaking Bad that most people who saw this drawing thought was the inspiration. Minds work in strange ways sometimes...